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Jessica Evrist


Are you sleeping? Brother /sister " _______" Morning bells are ringing.... ding ding dong.

25/07/2009 04:38

I think perhaps that song could be prophetic. Are you finding that you are waking up from 2 - 4 in the morning? If so.. could that be God calling us? Are you praying or is that the time you go down to the fridge? If we have been given the AIR. IF God is calling us to HEAVENLY PLACES... to come up higher in our thoughts..rather than our lowly  carnal thinking don't you think He may have a plan to be strategizing against the enemy?


Are you praying in the spirit enough? Are  you praying in the spirit? Let me repeat... Are you using your spirit's language ? Because Gods' ways are higher than ours.... remember? "He uses the foolish things , the base things of this world to confound "the wise". You see we are spirit beings that have a soul and a body.. IF you are carnally minded, wasting your time with imaginations /visions that are not a part of the Master's plan.. remember ,"our life is hid with Christ and we died in baptism with Christ.  The life that we now live is traded for Christ's that we should walk in His ways instead of our own fleshly desires.


Our thoughts and ways are lower than God 's unless we use God's provision to renew our minds to be Kingdom minded then you will understand the ways of the spirit. If you are listening to the devil or perhaps you think you have your own thoughts then cast down those thoughts and agreements and make some new ones with the lover of your soul.. the Holy Spirit and no to  the devil , satan works like this... those evil spirits that are wispering in your ear these things...

"that speaking in tongues is of the devil" "Oh those people are weird,they are fulfilling their lustful desires for attention." ( I have seen some bazaar things and wondered too if it were not demon influenced.. and I do discern things. so I will leave room for those who are deceived and doing fleshly ridiculous things, that is why we are to test the spirits. I saw a Chinese woman at some recent revival meeting last week in another town, during worship in church doing her arms like a windmill at rapid speed and I felt that was fleshly but who knows? God knows.I suppose that I could've bound that spirit and prayed against it but I did not know...never saw that before. I suppose i need to wake up.)

Here is another thing the devil will speak to your mind, you see He tries to gain entry by speaking things to you making believe that he is YOUR thoughts! LIke this...."Oh your pastor would definitely say that is of the flesh speaking in tongues" or "Oh that is make believe gibberish", hmm what else is the enemy doing to give you a strong hold on your mind so he can rob you of your spiritual gifts and power?

I said STRONG HOLD. Your belief system that is preventing you from taking a step of faith. You have been brain washed by satan as the bible says..." Do not forbid to speak in tongues." Look it up yourself, it's in there.

Or do you only look at the bible when your pastor only preaches from a certain text? Or does your pastor ever crack the bible open? Do you go to a church that says nice fluffy things, catch phrases, psychology, which is man's thinking? I've studied psychology in college, I'm aware... remember that God says,"My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.."

Our carnal minds cannot understand the things of the spirit. so Paul the apostle said," I will pray in the spirit and I will pray in the understanding."

If God is waking you up "Brother"(as this pertains to those who are in the fold) "John" or sister Jessica then wake up and pray, wait or do what He is telling you to do. This is speaking to the body of Christ, His church, we are to have Kingdom mentality not carnal mentality. Of course in order for any of this to be applicable to you you must first be in the fold. If you do not know God nor have a personal relationship with nor do not know if you belong to God, the maker of the universe by "the way" He has provided for us then you need look into what Jesus said. " Enter by the narrow gate for that is the way to eternal life, the way of destruction is the wider gate , many choose that path, but it only leads to destruction. " " I am the way the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father but only by means through me." Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (This speaks to the Jews as of the passover lamb.) but God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever belives in Him shall have eternal life.) John 3:16